We asked Jenny some questions about her King (or should we say Queen) of the Mountain experiences...
What can runners expect on the course? - surface, terrain, level of complexity... From what I remember the course wasn’t very complex as you are following the fire trails. The surface can be eroded and uneven so you have to thread somewhat carefully to avoid a twisted ankle, especially on the steep descents. We had good weather last year but I expect it would get mucky and slippy if there’s been rain.
How tough is KOM compared to other runs such as Six Foot Track and UTA? I haven’t done Six Foot/UTA….yet! KOM is tough, especially after the half way turn around point when you have about 4km uphill to climb. I had to walk up some of the hill and take a few breathers as it was pretty steep. You get a bit of recovery at the top, but there are a few more hills to follow when your legs are already smashed!
I had City2 Surf and Bilpin in the following weeks, which I reckon KOM prepared me well for.
What did you enjoy most about the event? and why? Getting the title and medal of Queen of the Mountain was the most enjoyable part! I enjoyed the challenge, and it was a great atmosphere. When I turned at the half way and had people coming the other direction, I had a lot of people encouraging me and saying well done. I think that definitely gave me a boost on the hills. The drink stations were well placed and well stocked so I didn’t need to carry a hydra pack, and the volunteers along the course were great. And the soup at the finish line was awesome!
Do you have any tips for anyone considering their first KOM? I would suggest building up to at least an 18 – 20 km distance run and having some regular hill sessions to avoid a total shock to the legs….but at this stage it is time to be tapering so I wouldn’t be starting any intense training now! Just be rested, carb load the night before and go for it. I’m usually just focused on the distance to the next drink station, which is probably only 5 or 6 km away, rather than to the finish line, and take it one section at a time.
Are you running KOM this year? For sure, gotta try and retain my title!