Handy hints for weekly run
The run will commence at 2pm. You will need the following:
- To have completed a pre race event entry preferably by midnight on Friday night, otherwise first thing on Saturday morning.
- Your membership shoe tag. If you are a new member you will have to collect your shoe tag on Saturday by 1pm.
- Your own water as this will not be provided in the interests of public health.
- Money / credit card / app. for parking at some venues.
- Lots of insect repellent as the mosquitos can be quite bad at some venues.
- Might be a good idea to invest in an arm band for your mobile phone, and a running belt pouch for your keys.
What we do
Newcastle Cross Country is a running club for members of all ages 6 years and older who enjoy the sport of cross country running. Our season commences in April and concludes in August. Events are held at different venues around the Hunter Region each Saturday afternoon. Running on different surfaces from hard road base to sand, and in different settings from suburban to bush, in all kinds of weather. Runners compete at their own pace to achieve their personal best in varying distances.
The committee is made up of volunteers from like minded groups and they endeavour to produce a program of events which has something for everyone, from individual runners to families and also includes a group of walkers who are not up to the challenge of a run.
Volunteers are the backbone of our organisation, and as such the club expects that each registered Adult or Adult caregiver would volunteer at least once during the season. If Adult competitors or Adult caregivers have not met the volunteer requirements no awards will be granted.
If every registered Adult volunteered once, the organisers would also be able to have a run.
If every registered Adult volunteered once, the organisers would also be able to have a run.

Check out our Facebook page for more information