General Information
The Newcastle Cross Country Club (NXC) conducts cross country running events in the Newcastle - Hunter Region. Most of the events are organised by NXC club members and affiliated clubs. Any member is eligible to run in any event, however to be eligible for prizes at some special events you must reside within the Hunter Region as allocated by Athletics NSW.
Start Times
Unless noted otherwise all events start at 2.00pm
If you are registering as a member for the first time, please register online by Friday midnight before your first event. Pre race event entry to be completed by Friday midnight so that we know what distance you are running on Saturday.
If you are registering as a member for the first time, please register online by Friday midnight before your first event. Pre race event entry to be completed by Friday midnight so that we know what distance you are running on Saturday.
Volunteers and Officials
NXC relies on its volunteers to successfully conduct all the events on the programme. To share the load, all registered members (adult) and parents of child members are expected to volunteer to assist in at least one event during the year. You can volunteer for any event during the online registration process and you can even choose which role to take on! First in best dressed for the popular roles......
Typical jobs include course set up, course marshals, timekeeping, photographer, first aider, general information go to person, etc.
Typical jobs include course set up, course marshals, timekeeping, photographer, first aider, general information go to person, etc.