13 April 2024 - Mt Sugarloaf - Out and Back
Lower car park Mt Sugarloaf Drive, off George Booth Drive
Online membership registration to be completed by 12 midnight Friday before Saturday run.
Weekly run registration to nominate distance to be completed by 12 midnight Friday before Saturday run.
Weekly run registration to nominate distance to be completed by 12 midnight Friday before Saturday run.
Athletes start at the same time according to their selected distance. You will receive your 'per km handicap pace in your result. Runners should assemble for the pre-race briefing around the picnic area. The run takes place on the nearby fire trail, which is usually in good condition, but can be slippery after wet wet weather. The trail is occasionally used by off-road vehicles. The course is out and back. The top of Mt Sugarloaf can be quite chilly from 2pm onwards, so please remember to bring along some warm clothes to put on after the run